Sabouraud glucose agar | 薩布羅葡萄糖瓊脂 |
Sabra dermatitis | 仙人掌皮膚炎 |
Sabre tibia | 軍刀狀脛骨 |
Sac fungi | 子囊菌 |
Sac spiders | 蜘蛛囊 |
Saccharin sodium | 糖精鈉 |
Saccharomyces | 酵母屬 |
Saccharth | 糖精 |
Safflower oil | 紅花子油 |
Safranine | 番紅、藏紅 |
Sage extract | 鼠尾草抽提物 |
Salabrasion | 鹽摩擦術 |
Salicylic acid | 柳酸 |
Sailor skin | 水手皮膚 |
Salmon patch | 鮭肉色斑 |
Salmonella | 沙門菌 |
Salmonellosis | 沙門菌病 |
Sandalwood | 檀香木 |
Sandfly bite | 白蛉叮傷 |
Sandfly fever | 白蛉熱 |
Saprophyte | 腐物寄生菌、死物寄生菌 |
Saprophytic fungi | 腐物寄生性真菌 |
Saran wrap | 聚乙烯薄膜封包法 |
Sarcoidal reaction | 肉瘤樣反應 |
Sarcoidosis | 肉瘤樣症、類肉瘤病 |
Sarcoma | 肉瘤 |
Sarcomatoid fibroma of the skin | 皮膚肉瘤樣纖維瘤 |
Sarcophaga spp. | 肉蠅屬 |
Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis | 疥蟲 |
Satchybotrys | 葡萄穗黴屬 |
Saturated fatty acid glyceride | 飽和脂酸甘油化物 |
Sauna | 芬蘭式蒸汽浴 |
Scab | 痂,癬 |
Scabies | 疥瘡 |
Scabiophobia | 疥瘡恐怖 |
Scald | 燙,燙傷,頭癬 |
Scale | 麟屑 |
Scalp | 頭皮 |
Scalp reduction surgery | 頭皮縫縮術 |
Scanning electron microscope | 掃描電子顯微鏡、掃描電鏡 |
Scar removal | 疤痕去除[術] |
Scar | 疤痕 |
Scarification | 劃痕術 |
Scarlatina | 猩紅熱 |
Scarlet fever | 猩紅熱 |
Scarring alopecia | 疤痕性禿髮 |
Scatter | 散佈 |
Scattered | 散在的 |
Schamberg's disease | 薛安保氏病(進行式色素性皮病) |
Schaumann's bodies | 夏曼氏體 |
Schirmer's test | 徐門氏試驗,對淚液分泌功能的一種測試法 |
Schistosoma hematobium | 埃及血吸蟲 |
Schistosoma japonicum | 日本血吸蟲 |
Schistosoma mansoni | 曼森氏血吸蟲 |
Schistosomal granuloma | 血吸蟲性肉芽腫 |
Schistosome cercarial dermatitis | 血吸蟲尾幼蟲皮炎 |
Schistosomiasis | 血吸蟲病 |
Schizomycetes | 裂質菌綱 |
Schizophrenia | 精神分裂病 |
Schizophyceae | 綠藻菌 |
Schizotripanosis | 南美錐蟲病 |
Schultz-Charlton phenomenon | 舒茨-沙爾東氏現象 |
Schwannoma | 神經鞘瘤 |
Schwann's cell tumor | 許旺氏細胞瘤、神經鞘細胞瘤 |
Schwartzmann phenomenon | 史瓦茲曼現象 |
Sclera | 鞏膜 |
Scleredema | 硬腫病 |
Scleredema adultorum | 成人硬腫病 |
Scleredema of Buschke | 布施克硬腫病 |
Scleredema of diabetes mellitus | 糖尿病性硬腫病 |
Sclerema neonatorum | 新生兒硬化症 |
Scleritis | 鞏膜炎 |
Sclerodactly | 指硬化病 |
Scleroderma | 硬皮病(鞏皮病) |
Sclerodermatomyositis | 硬皮病性皮肌炎,硬皮皮肌炎 |
Sclerodermatous | 硬皮病的,硬皮病性的 |
Scleroedema | 硬腫病 |
Scleroma | 硬結 |
Scleromalacia | 鞏膜硬化 |
Scleromalacia perforans | 穿孔性鞏膜硬化 |
Scleromyxedema | 硬化性黏液水腫 |
Sclerosing epithelial hamartoma | 硬化性表皮錯構瘤 |
Sclerosing hemangioma | 硬化性血管瘤 |
Sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis | 陰莖硬化性淋巴管炎 |
Sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma | 硬化性汗管癌 |
Sclerosis | 硬化 |
Sclerotherapy | 硬化療法 |
Scombroid fish poisoning | 青花魚中毒 |
Scopulariopsis | 小帚樣黴菌屬 |
Scorpion | 蠍 |
Scorpion sting | 蠍螯傷 |
Scotch tape | 透明膠紙帶 |
Scotochromogen | 黑暗產色類微生物 |
Scrape | 刮、擦、刮落 |
Scratch test | 搔破試驗 |
Scratching | 搔抓、抓破 |
Screening technique | 篩選方法 |
Screw worms (Cochliomyia | 螺旋蠅 |
Screw-driver teech | 螺旋齒 |
Scrofuloderm (tuberculosis colliquativa) | 腺病瘡(瘰癧性皮膚結核) |
Scrotal tongue | 陰囊舌 |
Scrotum | 陰囊 |
Scrub itch | 恙蟲皮膚炎 |
Scrub typhus | 恙蟲病 |
Scrum-pox | 傳染性膿疱病 |
Scurvy | 壞血病 |
Scutula | 黃癬痂 |
Sea anemone sting | 海葵刺傷 |
Sea butterflies sting | 海蝶刺傷 |
Sea lice | 海蝨 |
Sea urchin granuloma | 海膽肉芽腫 |
Sea urchin sting | 海膽刺傷 |
Sea-bather's eruption | 海水浴者皮疹 |
Seal finger | 海豹指 |
Seaweed powder | 海藻抽提液 |
Seaweed powder | 海藻粉 |
Sebaceous adenocarcinoma | 皮脂腺癌 |
Sebaceous adenoma | 皮脂腺瘤 |
Sebaceous carcinoma | 皮脂腺癌 |
Sebaceous cyst | 皮脂腺囊腫 |
Sebaceous epithelioma | 皮脂腺上皮瘤 |
Sebaceous gland carcinoma | 皮脂腺癌 |
Sebaceous gland hamartoma | 皮脂腺錯構瘤 |
Sebaceous nevus | 皮脂腺痣 |
Sebaceous trichofolliculoma | 皮脂腺髮毛囊瘤 |
Sebocystomatosis | 多發性皮脂囊腫 |
Sebopsoriasis | 脂漏性乾癬 |
Seborrhea | 脂漏 |
Seborrheic dermatitis | 脂漏性皮膚炎 |
Seborrheic folliculitis | 脂漏性毛囊炎 |
Seborrheic keratosis / wart | 脂漏性角化症(疣) |
Seborrheic verruca | 脂漏性疣 |
Sebum | 皮脂 |
Secretin | 分泌活素 |
Segmental hyalinizing vasculitis | 分節性透明樣血管炎 |
Segmental neurofibromatosis | 分節性神經纖維瘤病 |
Selective IgA deficiency | 選擇性IgA缺乏 |
Selective IgM deficiency | 選擇性IgM缺乏 |
Selenium | 硒 |
Self-inflicted dermatoses | 自傷性皮膚病 |
Senile angioma | 老年性血管瘤 |
Senile atrophy | 老年性萎縮 |
Senile comedones | 老年性粉刺 |
Senile freckle | 老年性雀斑 |
Senile keratosis | 老年性角化症 |
Senile lentigines | 老年性小痣 |
Senile purpura | 老年性紫斑 |
Senile sebaceous gland nevus | 老年性皮脂腺痣 |
Senile sebaceous hyperplasia | 老年性皮脂腺增生 |
Senile wart | 老年性疣 |
Sensory neuropathy | 感覺神經病 |
Septicemia | 敗血症 |
Serine proteinase | 絲胺酸酶 |
Serotonin | 5-羥色胺、血清素 |
Serum sickness | 血清病 |
Sesame oil | 胡麻油 |
Sessinia spp | 固著亞目 |
Sex-linked ichthyosis | 性聯遺傳魚鱗癬 |
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) | 性病 |
Sézary erythroderma | 西紮利紅皮症 |
Shagreen | 鯊皮 |
Shagreen patch | 鯊皮樣斑、鮫魚皮斑 |
Shake lotions | 震盪乳液 |
Shampoos | 洗髮精 |
Shave excision | 刮除術 |
SHBG (sex-hormone-binding globulin) | 性賀爾蒙接連球蛋白 |
Sheehan-Simmond disease | 席漢-西蒙氏病(產後腦垂體機能減退症) |
Sheep nostril fly | 羊鼻蠅 |
Shellac | 蟲膠 |
Shellfish | 貝,甲殼類,牡蠣 |
Shigella dysenteriae | 痢疾桿菌 |
Shin spots | 脛部斑 |
Shingles | 帶狀皰疹 |
Shoes dermatitis | 鞋皮膚炎 |
2011年6月22日 星期三
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