Spa | 溫泉、礦泉、溫泉浴場;溫泉治療 |
Spandex | 斯潘得克斯彈力纖維 |
Spanish fly | 斑蝥 |
Sparganosis | 裂頭幼絛蟲病 |
Sparganum proliferum | 增生性幼絛蟲 |
Spearmint | 留藍香、綠薄荷 |
Spearmint oil | 綠薄荷油 |
Species immunity | 種的免疫 |
Speckle | 小斑點 |
Speckled and lentiginous nevus | 點狀小痣 |
Spectacle frame | 眼鏡支架 |
Spectinomycin | 大觀黴素、奇黴素 |
Spectroadiometer | 分光放射器 |
Spermaceti | 鯨蠟 |
Spermidine | 精胺酸 |
Spermine | 精液素、精素 |
SPF (sun protection factor) | 防曬係數 |
Sphingolipidosis | 神經鞘脂病 |
Sphingomyelin storage disease | 神經鞘髓磷脂沉積病 |
Sphingosine | 抱合糖脂醇 |
Spice | 香味,調味品 |
Spicy food | 辛辣食物 |
Spider bite | 蜘蛛咬傷 |
Spider nevus | 蜘狀痣 |
Spider sting | 蜘蛛螯傷 |
Spider telangiectasia | 蜘狀毛細管擴張症 |
Spiegler-Fendt sarcoid (lymphocytoma cutis) | Spiegler-Fendt氏類肉瘤 |
Spiegler's tumor | 史庇格勒氏腫瘤 |
Spina bifida occulta | 隱性脊柱裂 |
Spina bifida | 脊柱裂 |
Spinal dysraphism | 脊神經管縫合不全 |
Spindle and epithelioid cell nevus (Spitz nevus) | 梭狀及上皮樣細胞痣(史必茲痣) |
Spindle hair | 梭形毛髮 |
Spinous cells | 棘形細胞 |
Spinulism | 棘黴菌 |
Spiny rat mite | 刺鼠螨 |
Spiradenoma | 汗腺螺旋腺瘤 |
Spiraled duct | 螺旋狀管 |
Spirillum minus | 小螺旋菌、鼠咬熱螺旋菌 |
Spirillum minus rat-bite fever | 螺旋菌鼠咬熱 |
Spirocarcinoma | 汗腺螺旋腺癌 |
Spirochete | 螺旋體 |
Spirochetal diseases | 螺旋菌病 |
Spiroepithelioma | 汗腺螺旋腺上皮瘤 |
Spironolactone (anti-aldosterone) | 醛脂酮拮抗藥 (利尿劑) |
Spitting cobra | 黑頸眼鏡蛇 |
Spitz nevus (spindle and epithelioid cell nevus) | 史必茲痣(梭狀及上皮樣細胞痣) |
Splenomegaly | 脾腫大 |
Splinter hemorrhages | 裂片形出血 |
Splinter removal | 骨固定器拔除 |
Split ends | 頭髮斷裂面 |
Split skin smear | 皮膚分裂抹片 |
Spondylitis | 脊椎炎 |
Sponge dermatitis and sting | 海綿皮膚炎及螯傷 |
Sponge fisherman's disease | 海綿漁夫病 |
Spongiform microabscesses | 海綿狀微小膿瘍 |
Spongiform pustules | 海綿狀膿疱 |
Spongiform vesicles | 海綿狀水疱 |
Spongiosis | 海綿化、細胞間水腫 |
Spongiotic pustules | 海綿膿疱 |
Spongiotic vesicles | 海綿水疱 |
Spontaneous neuroma | 自發性神經瘤 |
Spoon nails | 匙狀甲 |
Sporadic typhus | 散發性斑疹傷寒 |
Sporangiophore | 孢子囊梗 |
Sporangiospore | 孢子囊孢子 |
Sporangium | 孢子囊 |
Spore | 孢子 |
Sporothrix schenckii | 申克氏孢子絲菌 |
Sporotrichoid leishmaniasis | 孢子絲菌病樣萊什曼病 |
Sporotrichoid lymphangitis | 類孢子絲菌症淋巴腺炎 |
Sporotrichoid mycobacteriosis | 孢子絲菌病樣分支桿菌病 |
Sporotrichoid nocardiosis | 孢子絲菌病樣諾卡菌病 |
Sporotrichoid nodule | 孢子絲菌病樣結節 |
Sporotrichosis | 孢子絲菌症 |
Sports dermatology | 運動皮膚科學 |
Sports injury | 運動傷害 |
Sporulation | 孢子形成、芽孢形成 |
Spot | 斑疹、斑點 |
Spotted bone | 斑點樣骨病 |
Spotted fever | 斑疹熱 |
Spring eruption | 春季疹 |
Sprue | 口炎性腹瀉 |
Spun-glass hair | 玻璃絲髮 |
Squalane | 鯊烷 |
Squalane, synthetic | 合成鯊烷 |
Squalene | 鯊烯 |
Squalene, partially hydrogenated | 部分氫化鯊烯 |
Squama | 鱗屑 |
Squamaous cell carcinoma | 鱗狀細胞癌 |
Squamaous eddies | 鱗狀漩渦角化 |
Squamaous epithelioma (epithelioid carcinoma) | 鱗狀上皮瘤(表皮樣癌) |
Squamaous papilloma | 鱗狀乳突狀瘤 |
Squamaous pearl | 鱗狀細胞珠 |
Squirting papilla | 噴射狀乳頭 |
SRS-A (slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis) | 過敏性慢反應物質 |
2011年7月27日 星期三
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