T cell erythroderma | T細胞紅皮症 |
T cell lymphoma | T細胞淋巴瘤 |
T helper cell | 輔助性T細胞 |
T suppressor | 抑制性T細胞 |
tabanidae bite | 虻叮傷 |
tabes dorsalis | 脊髓癆 |
tache | 斑點 |
taeniasis | 絛蟲病 |
tag | 懸垂物、皮贅 |
Takayasu's arteritis | 高安氏動脈炎 |
talc granuloma | 滑石粉肉芽種 |
tallow | 牛脂 |
tallow fatty acid | 牛脂脂酸 |
Tangier's disease (syn. familial α-HDL deficiency;Lipoprotein deficiency disease) | 家族性α高密度脂蛋白缺乏症 |
tapeworm infections | 絛蟲感染 |
tar keratosis | 焦油角化症 |
tar melanosis | 焦油黑變症 |
tartaric acid | 酒石酸 |
tattoo granuloma | 紋身肉芽種 |
tattoos | 紋身 |
taurodontism | 牛形齒症 |
T-cell erythroderma | T細胞紅皮症 |
telangiectasia macularis multiplex aquisita | 後天多發性斑狀微血管擴張症 |
telangiectasia macularis eruptive perstans | 持久性斑狀微血管擴張症 |
telangiectasis | 微血管擴張 |
telogen alopecia | 休止期禿髮 |
telogen effluvium | 休止期落髮 |
temporal arteritis | 顳動脈炎 |
textile dermatitis | 紡織品皮膚炎 |
thalidomide | 沙立度胺、沙立竇邁 |
thesaurosis | 沈積症 |
thimerosal | 硫柳汞、硫汞撒、乙汞硫代水楊酸鈉 |
threadworm infection | 線蟲感染 |
thromboangiitis obliterans | 閉塞性血栓性脈管炎 |
thrombocytopenic purpura | 血小板減少性紫斑症 |
thrombophlebitis | 血栓性靜脈炎 |
thrombophlebitis migrans | 遊走性血栓性靜脈炎 |
thrush | 鵝口瘡 |
thyme | 百里香 |
thyroglossal cyst | 甲狀舌管囊腫 |
thyroidacropachy | 甲狀腺杵狀指 |
tick typhus | 壁蝨性斑疹傷寒 |
ticks sting | 壁蝨蟄傷 |
tierfell | 獸皮母斑 |
tinea barbae | 鬚癬 |
tinea capitis | 頭癬 |
tinea circinata | 圈癬 |
tinea corporis | 體癬 |
tinea cruris | 股癬 |
tinea faciei | 顏面癬 |
tinea imbricata | 渦紋癬、疊瓦癬 |
tinea incognito | 偽裝癬 |
tinea kerion | 禿瘡癬 |
tinea mannum (ring worm of the hand) | 手癬 |
tinea nigra palmaris | 手掌黑癬 |
tinea pedis | 足癬 |
tinea unguium | 甲癬 |
tinea versicolor | 汗斑、變色糠疹、花斑癬 |
titanated mica | 鈦雲母 |
titanium dioxide | 二氧化鈦 |
titanium oxide black | 黑氧化鈦 |
tocopherol | 生育酚(天然維生素E) |
d -δ- tocopherol | d -δ-生育酚 |
dl -δ- tocopherol | dl -δ- 生育酚 |
dl -δ- tocopheryl acetate | 乙酸dl -δ-生育酚 |
Dl -δ- tocopheryl linoleate | 亞麻油酸Dl -δ-生育酚 |
Dl -δ- tocopheryl nicotinate | 菸鹼酸Dl -δ-生育酚 |
toilet seat dermatitis | 馬桶皮膚炎 |
toluene-2,5-diamine | 2,5-二胺甲苯 |
toluene-3,4-diamine | 3,4-二胺甲苯 |
toluenesulfonamide/formaldehyde resin | 甲苯磺醯胺/甲醛樹脂 |
tolunen | 甲苯 |
tophi | 痛風石 |
toxic and physiologic alopecia | 中毒性和生理性禿髮 |
toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) | 中毒性表皮壞死鬆解症 |
toxic eruption | 中毒疹 |
toxic erythema neonatorum | 新生兒毒性紅斑 |
toxic erythema | 毒性紅斑 |
toxic psycosis | 毒物性精神病 |
toxic purpura | 毒性紫斑 |
toxicoderma | 中毒性皮病 |
toxicodermia | 中毒性皮病 |
toxocariasis | 弓蛔蟲病 |
toxoplasmosis | 弓漿體原蟲病 |
TPHA (TP hemagglutination test) | 梅毒螺旋體血液凝集試驗 |
trabecular cell carcinoma | 小柱性細胞癌 |
traction alopecia | 牽引性禿髮 |
transient acantholytic dermatosis | 暫時性棘層鬆解性皮膚病 |
transient neonatal pustulosis | 暫時性新生兒膿疱症 |
transmission electron microscope | 透射電子顯微鏡透射電鏡 |
transverse nasal groove | 鼻橫溝 |
traumatic alopecia | 損傷性禿髮 |
traumatic epidermoid cyst | 外傷性表皮樣囊腫 |
trematode infection | 蛭感染 |
trench fever | 戰壕熱 |
trench foot | 戰壕足 |
Treponema pallidum | 梅毒螺旋體 |
Treponemal antigen test | 螺旋體抗原試驗 |
Treponematosis | 螺旋體病 |
Triatoma,Assass in bug | 錐鼻蟲 |
trichilemmal cyst | 外毛根鞘囊腫 |
trichilemmocarcinoma | 外毛根鞘癌 |
trichilemmoma | 外毛根鞘瘤 |
trichinosis | 旋毛蟲症 |
trichoadenoma | 毛線瘤 |
trichoblastoma | 毛囊母細胞瘤 |
trichoclasia | 脆髮症 |
trichoclasomanic or trichkrytomic alopecia | 斷髮癖性禿頭 |
trichodiscoma | 毛盤瘤 |
trichoepithelioma papulosum multiplex | 多發性丘疹狀毛髮上皮瘤 |
trichoepithelioma | 毛髮上皮瘤 |
trichofolliculoma,folliculoma | 毛囊瘤 |
trichogen | 生髮藥 |
trichogenic adnexal tumour | 毛原性附屬器瘤 |
trichomalacia | 毛髮軟化 |
trichomatricoma | 毛髮基質瘤 |
trichomycosis axillaris | 腋毛菌症 |
trichomycosis nodularis | 結節性毛癬 |
trichonodosis | 結節性脆髮病 |
trichophagy | 吞髮症 |
trichophytic granuloma | 毛癬菌性肉芽腫 |
trichophytids | 皮癬疹 |
Trichophyton ajelloi | 埃澤樓毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton concentricum | 疊瓦毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton crateriforme | 火山口毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton equinum | 馬毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton favosa | 黃癬毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton gourvilli | 北非毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton gypseum | 石膏樣毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton Kaufmann-Wolf | 考曼-華夫氏毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton meginii | 麥格尼毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton mentagrophytes | 鬚毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton rosaceum | 玫瑰色毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton rubrum | 紅色毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton sabouraudi | 薩布羅毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton schoenleinii | 黃癬菌、許蘭毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton simii | 猴毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton soudanense | 蘇丹毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton sulfureum | 硫磺色毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton tonsurans | 斷髮毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton verrucosum | 疣狀毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton violaceum | 紫色毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton yaoundei | 赤非毛癬菌 |
Trichophyton | 毛癬菌 |
trichoptilosis | 髮縱裂症 |
trichorrhexis invaginosa | 套疊性脆髮症 |
trichorrhexis nodosa | 結節性脆髮症 |
trichoschisis | 裂髮症 |
trichosiderin | 毛髮鐵色素 |
trichosporosis | 毛髮芽胞菌病 |
trichostasis spinulosa | 小棘狀毛壅症 |
trichostasis squamosa | 鱗狀毛壅症 |
trichotillomania | 拔毛髮癖 |
tricomoniasis | 滴蟲症 |
trigerminal trophic ulceration | 三叉神經失養性潰瘍 |
tripe palms | 牛掌胃 |
triple response of Lewis | 劉易斯三聯反應 |
trombiculiasis | 恙蟲病 |
trophic ulcer | 失養性潰瘍 |
tropical acne | 熱帶痤瘡 |
tropical anhidrosis | 熱帶性汗閉 |
tropical anhidrotic asthenia | 熱帶性汗閉性衰弱 |
tropical phagedemic ulcer | 熱帶崩蝕性潰瘍 |
tropical sprue | 熱帶口炎性腹瀉 |
tropical ulcer | 熱帶性潰瘍 |
true reliculosarcoma | 真性網狀細胞肉瘤 |
trumpeter wart | 吹號者疣 |
trypanosomiasis | 錐蟲病 |
l - tryptophan | l -色胺酸 |
tsutsugamushi disease | 恙蟲病 |
tubercle | 結節 |
tubercular syphilide | 結節性梅毒疹 |
tuberculides | 結核疹 |
tuberculin test | 結核菌素試驗 |
tuberculoid leprosy | 結核樣型痲瘋 |
tuberculosis cutis | 皮膚結核病 |
tuberculosis cutis orificialis | 腔口性皮膚結核 |
tuberculosis cutis papulonecrotica | 丘疹壞死性皮膚結核 |
tuberculosis cutis ulcerosa | 潰瘍性皮膚結核病 |
tuberculosis cutis verrucosa | 疣狀皮膚結核病 |
tuberculosis milliaris disseminatus faciei | 面部散播性粟粒狀結核病 |
tuberculosis verrucosa cutis | 疣狀皮膚結核結核性下疳 |
tuberculous chancre | 結核性下疳 |
tuberculous gumma | 結核腫 |
tuberous sclerosis | 結節性硬化症 |
tuberous xanthoma | 結節性黃色瘤 |
tubular apocrine adenoma | 管狀頂漿腺腺瘤 |
tufted angioma | 簇集性血管瘤 |
tularemia | 土拉倫斯菌病、兔熱病 |
tumefaction | 腫大、腫脹、膨脹 |
tumor of the follicular infundibulum | 毛囊漏斗腫瘤 |
tungiasis | 砂蚤膿疹 |
turban tumor | 包頭巾腫瘤 |
turpentine oil | 松節油 |
twenty nail dystrophy of childhood | 兒童期20個指甲失養 |
tylosis | 胼胝 |
tylotic eczema | 胼胝性濕疹 |
typhoid fever | 傷寒 |
typhus fever | 斑疹傷寒 |
typhus pellagroslls | 蜀黍性傷寒 |
tyrosinase | 酪胺酸酶 |
tyrosinemia | 酪胺酸血症 |
Tzanck test | Tzanck抹片檢查 |
2010年10月30日 星期六
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